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Guardianship of the Person
If appointed as a conservator or trustee, Hawaii Fiduciary Services will consider serving as a guardian, preferring to share the guardianship with a family member or friend.

Household Maintenance
How we age is changing with people living longer and having more active lives. While senior care homes are turning into thriving, interesting environments that cater toward a more active aging population, most people want to remain in their homes and "age in place" for as long as possible.

This can present challenges. With increasing age, physical and mental health can decline, sometimes rapidly. Creating the right support for ourselves or loved ones is vital.

Some of the common areas we've seen where people need assistance are with: housekeeping, managing medication and meal preparation.

These can be resolved reasonably easily by hiring companies that specialize in home care services.

Financial Management is an important, complex, and often overlooked area. Financial capacity decreases with advancing age. Interestingly, an article published April 15, 2017, in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found the decrease impacts women more. Hiring a professional can help to structure ongoing support to look after the following:

  • Pay bills
  • Deposit checks
  • Balance bank statements
  • Budget and provide long-term planning
  • Manage health insurance and medical claims
  • Evaluate government and pension benefits
  • File tax forms
  • Facilitate communication with other professionals concerning legal, financial, tax, and real property matters

Our fiduciary services are individualized to meet your requirements. Central to any of the services we provide is to ensure you control your finances and decision-making.

ref no:35049

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